
M-linestudio Inc

GameImmersive ContentOther
Under the banner of Total Visual Communication Group, M-Line Studio Co., Ltd. has produced the best results in media-wide businesses such as Animation, 3D Stereoscopic, and 4D Ride. We introduced VR for the first time in Korea in the safety field. Currently, SAFELINE®, a VR safety education system brand, has become the epitome of VR safety education with the largest number of safety contents and various simulators in Korea.

Now, M-Line Studio is expanding its business scope beyond safety education VR to more advanced and diverse fields such as network multi-training solutions and XR training integrated platforms that introduce the concept of Metaverse. Making your life and business richer with a complete XR solution plan. This is our vision.


Business Description

1. Main Business Area : Metaverse, XR, VR, AR
- Safety training, Practical Training, Game, Interior, Promotion, Exhibition
2. Experience Center
- Safety Experience Center, Exhibition, Information Hall, Education Hall
3. H/W and Operating System
- 4D Simulator, Wearable Device, Tangible Controller, Training Operating System


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