

YTN is No.1 and the most trusted news channel of the Republic of Korea (South Korea). It delivers domestic and international news across the world with speed and accuracy, 24 hours 365 days a year. YTN’s on-time, in-depth news reports and various informational programs are covered by its high-profile journalists stationed across the nation and around the globe.


Business Description

Established in 1993, YTN, Korea's No. 1 news channel, operates broadcasting channels -- YTN, YTN science, and YTN Life, engages in the real estate rental business with Namsan Seoul Tower and the Newsquare building, and runs a members-only online shopping mall since its listing on KOSDAQ market in 2001. YTN also has three affiliated companies -- YTN DMB, YTN Radio, and YTN PLUS which offers YTN's content for mobile and web platforms. For nine consecutive years until 2015, YTN was given the "Best Fairness Media of the Year" award presented by the Media and Future Institute.


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