1inch VR (Ride Action Adventure)

  • Genre Animation
  • Detailed Genre Fantasy/Adventure
  • Content Type 3D Animation
  • Target Age Family
  • Production Stage IP
  • Quantity 3 min 1 Quantity Input


1inchVR series 1,2,3
Ride Action Adventure
With the motif of [Nils Adventures], in Season 1, the main character finds a mysterious bead, thereby reducing his body and exploring the micro world. Season 1 contains 3 episodes in total. Season 2 is a pre-production phase and aims to be produced in the second half of 2018. Based on VR, Riding Adventure-style video allows viewers to experience the experience of exploring the micro-world as they become smaller with VR. You can feel like you are riding a roller coaster when you ride on the attraction through camera walking with the attraction.