A Sachet of the Empress

  • Genre Cartoon
  • Content Type Mobile Online (Scroll View)
  • Target Age All
  • Quantity 43 Quantity Input


Ko Hwang-bi, who works as a screenwriter for the movie, has an old incense bag as a relic of her father's death in an accident. 

Ko Hwang-bi, curious about the identity of the incense bag, wants to know the identity of the incense bag by entrusting it to an antique store.

Along with this, handsome men named Lee Joon and Joo Young-chul appear in front of Hwang-bi. They are looking for Empress Myeongseong's missing incense bag and ask Hwang-bi for cooperation. 

Hwang-bi knows that the incense bag she has is a treasure map, and instead of cooperating, she puts out half of the treasure. 

I was wondering if the rosy life of life was finally starting, but unexpectedly, a crisis hits her. Hwang-bi finds out that the mysterious deaths around her were related to the scented bag.