Ako Ako Rollingcoaster

  • Genre Animation
  • Detailed Genre Edutainment
  • Content Type 3D Animation
  • Target Age Kids
  • Production Stage Projects in Production
  • Quantity 11 min 26 Quantity Input


The lovable 'Rolling Friends' live in 'Rolling Land', a world built from toy blocks, When a problem arises, the 'Rolling Friends' solve each one with their clever ideas. They create amazing things like helicopters, fire trucks, sharks, and lighthouses with the use of blocks from the 'Rolling Tower'! When the 'Rolling Friends' travel to the 'Rolling Tower', they can build anything they need. When this unique group of friends with different abilities and characteristics get together to build new things from blocks, even problems become a fun adventure! Something new every day at 'Rolling Land'. Shall we start building exciting things together with the 'Rolling Friends'?