• Genre Animation
  • Detailed Genre Slapstick
  • Content Type 3D Animation
  • Target Age Family
  • Production Stage Completed Programs
  • Quantity 2 min 78 Quantity Input


Alien NiNANO from outer space become satisfied only when they bite and taste a new, amazing thing themselves. They become curious regardless of time and space, which sometimes results in an unintended fuss. NINANO look forward to returning their home planet after finding the ‘happy virus’ on the earth.
They always find something curious to be excited about. ‘NINANO’ features daily events full of eccentric playfulness of the bold leader Nini, the heavy eater Nana, and the unpredictable ace Nono.
Each episode includes slapstick performances that the three aliens carry out in response to a variety of urban circumstances.
(Looking for co-production partners/investors for Season 2)