AR/VR/MR EdTech Platform 'BOOK+APP'

  • Genre Immersive Content
  • Detailed Genre


By reflecting the Korean curriculum and international educational standards at the same time in the augmented reality content presented as an existing product, we want to provide an educational connection rather than simply showing virtual objects through augmented reality technology. In addition, it is the first online platform service in Korea to experience augmented reality as a web platform service that allows not only phoneme activities but also content-oriented activities through augmented reality and language education like play. The service in the form of a web platform allows consumers to experience language education in augmented reality at a lower cost. In the non-face-to-face era, if you can't experience it at the zoo or outside, anyone can easily provide realistic education online at home or at educational institutions. With the excellent design and various AR/VR/MR technologies provided by the BOOK+APP web platform, consumers can experience more realistic and realistic education. Anyone who downloads the app can easily experience augmented reality by tagging directly with their device. Language education is taught by listening to phonics activities or stories like play.