
  • Genre TV Show
  • Content Type Web/Mobile Content
  • Platform Online Video Platform/MCN
  • Target Age Family
  • Quantity 5 min 300 Quantity Input


Chainflix is a revolutionary Peer-to-Peer video sharing platform that allows viewers, content creators, and developers to self-mine through Ethereum Blockchain and its smart contract features. We believe that the video sharing platform industry is ready for disruption. Chainflix identifies the following problems with the status quo of video sharing platforms: 1. Users do not receive any reward for watching videos. A user’s attention is a valuable resource, yet it “is exploited without proper compensation” according to the findings in the Chainflix whitepaper. 2. Advertising expenses are inflated due to intermediaries and fraud. Advertisers spend 15 percent to 20 percent of their budget on fraudulent clicks, bots, and other methods of click and viewer fraud. 3. Video creators receive insufficient profit. Video sharing platforms currently take 50 percent to 60 percent of advertising revenue, which means content creators aren't being fairly compensated for their work.