
  • Genre CT
  • Detailed Genre Game


[Genre] Multiplayer Mobile Virtual Reality FPS

[Synopsis] Humanity begins to leave the increasingly desolate planet and turn its eyes to space exploration. They began various studies to exploit space and projected into various groups to minimize the risk of failure. After the journey of the faraway universe and the difficulty of discovering a new life, two groups finally succeeded in each new planet. But human desire was endless, and the two groups began to contend with each other's desire for planetary domination.

 "Tanatos", the first group to successfully exploit the planet, began to press the name of the group as the name of the universe federal state and to subdue another group, "Pagan." The administration orders for each planet's governance, as well as the space exploration project and the migration plan, have proceeded arbitrarily. In response, "Pagan" declared independence and began to host the "Tanatos" federal government. The age of space war was just beginning.