Comi and Bebe

  • Genre Character
  • Detailed Genre Edutainment
  • Content Type Animation
  • Target Age Preschoolers
  • Production Stage In Production
  • Product Type Toys


Happy babies, COMI AND BEBE
The story is about 5-year-old kids who live next door in RAINBOW village. They grow up day by day by meet family, kindergarten friends, neighborhoods. And they learn a lot about family love, friendship, and nature through various events.
‘Happy Babies, Comi and Bebe’ is a family-based story where moms, dads, and children live together.
The show is a gentle and kind animation like a classic fairy tale. The concept of “living fairy tales book” consists of beautiful contents and music.
The story is not only about friendship but about relationships with villagers, adults around babies.
Every 52 episodes are 6 min. 36 out of 52 are stories and 16 are music videos made by world-famous nursery rhymes and newly composed music for children.
Genre Family / CGI animation
Target Pre-school
Run time 52eps x 5.5min ( 36eps story 16 eps song)
Theme Family Love , Relationship with Villagers
Co-production with EBS , Lion Forge ( USA)