
  • Genre Game
  • Content Type Strategy
  • Client Volume 500MB-1GB
  • Art 2D
  • Service Step In Production
  • Target Age Adults


The Hardcore, Auto-Battle, Rogue-Like, Deck-Building (H.A.R.D) game, "Corrupted" combines auto-battler strategy and rogue-like difficulty. In Corrupted, strategy meets challenges in every deck, fight, and run. Unlike traditional deck-building roguelikes, it features team management and real-time card play.

Gameplay elements include Stage Clear: Players engage in battles against various enemies as they clear stages provided by the game.

Reward Acquisition: After clearing stages, players can acquire rewards such as cards, plugins (team-affecting items), equipment, and consumable items.

Deck and Team Building: Players can use the rewards they have obtained to build their own deck and team, allowing them to create their own strategies for playing the game.

Auto-Battle: Players selecting cards from their deck and decide the placement of their team, after which battles proceed automatically.
Players can intervene in battles at any time by selecting cards from their deck.

"Corrupted" has three game modes: "Main", "Co-operation" and "Daily Challenge" In
Main mode, players face random stages, receiving rewards for clearing them.
Difficulty increases, requiring players to optimize decks and upgrade abilities.

Before entering "Main" players choose difficulty levels and grow levels regardless of victory or failure.
As they level up, they can progress through the "Commander Traits" and "Character Unlock" systems.

In the core experience, players develop optimal strategies for clearing stages using randomly selected cards from reward-based decks.
"Corrupted" differentiates from traditional deck-building roguelikes with real-time card play and challenging gameplay, offering a fresh experience.