Cross Matching Platform (Publisher matching)

  • Genre Game
  • Content Type Other
  • Client Volume Less than 100MB
  • Art 2D
  • Service Step
  • Target Age All


ross have been providing a free advertising platform,, based on advertisement barter system.
Over 1000 Korean Gaming companies have signed up at this site since its launch.

And last May 9 of 2018, Cross Shock launched a new service "CROSS MATCHING" which was designed to help game developers and publishers all around world find suitable publishers and games to each of them.
Once a publisher posts its notice to find a game, it will be exposed to the game developers who have a game that correspond with the needs and contract condition of the publisher.
And also Cross Matching send a email with the notice to 1200 game developers, CrossShock members

* Cross Shock (Free Advertisement Platform):
* Cross Matching (Publisher Matching Platform):