Cupcake Fairy Pink and Friends

  • Genre Animation
  • Detailed Genre Fantasy/Adventure
  • Content Type 3D Animation
  • Target Age Kids
  • Production Stage IP
  • Quantity 11 min 26 Quantity Input


At a busy market place, there is a food truck which looks nothing special to ordinary people.
However, it captivates a girl’s sight as a beautiful café.
The girl approaches the truck not knowing that there is secret barrier that separates the human’s world from the fairies’.
The girl steps into the barrier and it creates a crack which allowed the prince of fairy world to escape into the humans’ world.
And ever since the prince had escaped, strange things start to happen in the world.
The prince had long wished to dominate the humans’ world, but wasn’t able to due to the barrier and the three gate keeper fairies.
However now the little accident of the girl stepping into the barrier let the prince fairy into the world.