Name X Entertainment Corp.


  • Genre Animation
  • Detailed Genre Comedy
  • Content Type 3D Animation
  • Target Age Family
  • Production Stage Projects in Production
  • Quantity 5 min 18 Quantity Input


Short enjoyable snack content about characterized street foods


A self-realization chronicle of the main character Dr. B-Pang who wants to escape the nightmare of “being the same bungeoppang”

A sweet salty noir of a K-pop idol trainee who starts a bungeoppang business for a living but dreams of becoming a singer!


Bungeoppang escapes the mold that continuously bakes the same-looking cakes.  

Journey of how this seemingly insignificant bungeoppang becomes the national godfather of the restaurant industry and a hero to all small business owners. 

The bromance between a superstar bungeoppang that saves the street food business and a superstar boy who started out selling bungeoppang.

Sweet and salty survival noir of Dr. B-PANG, a bungeoppang who loves to cook, and idol trainee boy who sells bungeoppang for a living but dreams of becoming a singer.

The story starts from the alleyways of Seoul to street foods but as seasons pass it will take you all across Korea and ultimately worldwide.

Name X Entertainment Corp.