Dubai, The City of Block-chain (8K HDR)

  • Genre TV Show
  • Content Type Documentary
  • Platform TV Channel
  • Target Age Family
  • Quantity 60 min 2 Quantity Input


How Dubai, once a poor fishing village 50 years ago, has become a high-tech hub?
Dubai, one of the 7 emirates in the UAE, dreams of the world's first blockchain government. To be born as a smart city, Dubai is applying the 4th industrial technologies such as healthcare, logistics, and business to the entire city. According to the national strategy of the 4th Industrial Revolution, Dubai has the world's first minister in charge of AI, and has already finished the test flight to commercialize drone taxis for the first time in the world. In the Smart Era dominated by the Web, Dubai is booming with the 4th Industrial Revolution. We will explore the future strategies of South Korea by looking at the future cities currently unfolding in Dubai.