Escape the Corset

  • Genre TV Show
  • Content Type Documentary
  • Platform Other
  • Target Age Teens
  • Quantity 60 min 1 Quantity Input


What is hair for women.

During the Joseon Dynasty, hair that was black and rich, like mud, was a prerequisite for a beauty, while the hair of a woman who was short and stiff was described as negative and ugly. In 1920, the new woman was called Modan (毛斷).
Short hair had a strong meaning for women to challenge the established system.
Now in 2019, women also cut their hair. It is a movement that rejects the social definition of “feminine”, escaping “Corset” movement.
They resist the standards of feminity imposed by society and strive to find true themselves. In 2019, we meet them who are writing the history of women’s liberation and solidarity.