
Delve into the essence of Essential Korean with our enlightening notebook brochure. Designed as a compact notebook, every page turned unfolds a new proverb, allowing you to savor a piece of Korean wisdom each time. While it encapsulates our motto, “Let’s Learn Together”, and presents our foundational principles of Community, Commitment, and Competence, its true gem lies in the curated selection of 13 Korean proverbs by Teacher Kay.

Each proverb, distinctively starting with one of the 14 basic Korean consonants, offers a glimpse into traditional Korean culture, values, sensibilities, and sentiments. It's more than just language learning; it's an invitation to understand and embrace the rich tapestry of Korean heritage.

In her letter, Teacher Kay invites everyone to savor these proverbs, letting them resonate with your own experiences and perspectives.

While our brochure also offers an intimate note from Teacher Kay and contact information, it's the proverbs that stand as a bridge between language and emotion, tradition and modernity, learner and culture. Dive in, and let the wisdom of ages guide your Korean journey.