F.I.X corp.

  • Genre Animation
  • Detailed Genre Fantasy/Adventure
  • Content Type 3D Animation
  • Target Age Kids
  • Production Stage Projects in Production
  • Quantity 15 min 52 Quantity Input


(summary) "F.I.X corp." is Action comedy infused with SF and fantasy to show science through all the living tools in house. The way Gremlins make equipment using toys will stimulate children's imagination and maximize their creativity.
(synopsis) The ‘Gremlins’ broke down the machines and were horrible creatures among pilots during WW2. Now they settled in shady old house for making their own paradise. But the maverick called ‘Jay’ stood against their captain ‘Jack’ and settled his own basement area and he met a boy ‘Alec’ moved in this house on garret. Meanwhile Jack and his fellow Gremlins crash all these machines in house then Jay fix it again and again. And then, one day Jack and his Gremlins start to change the tools into weapon to attack Alec and Jay. Jay in danger finally decided to use the blocks in the garret to depend themselves. And the epic war to take over the house has begun, between Alec and Jay vs Jack with army of gremlins.