Galaxy X

  • Genre Animation
  • Detailed Genre Fantasy/Adventure
  • Content Type 2D Animation
  • Target Age Preschoolers
  • Production Stage IP
  • Quantity 10 min 52 Quantity Input


It reveals the reality of the mystery phenomena hidden around us. Nemesis, a cosmic monster that absorbed the lives of countless stars, and the efforts of the Space Alliance against him, Nemesis is sealed in the "Death Star." Tens of thousands of years when Nemesis was sealed in the “Death Star”. Life was born on the Death Star due to Nemersys' energy star seed. A planet that has overflowed with life through the power of Starseed is no longer born under a new name, “Union,” rather than “Death Star,” but the strong “darkness” of Nemesis begins to deteriorate living things. I decided to settle in the'union' to completely seal the nemesis so that it cannot be awakened forever. The world created by the Space Alliance settling in Union was called ``Galaxy X''. A fantasy drama unfolds in the background of the vast universe.