Giant Ares - Legend of Olympos

  • Genre Animation
  • Detailed Genre Fantasy/Adventure
  • Content Type 3D Animation
  • Target Age Kids
  • Production Stage Projects in Production
  • Quantity 15 min 26 Quantity Input


* Title of work: Giant Ares [Legend of Olympus]
* Genre of work : Super Robot
* Main Target : 5 to 9
* Production techniques : FULL 3D CGI
* Quantity of work : 15min x 26series (Season1)
* Synopsis
The Olympos myth we knew was about Martians and their robots
And the ancestors of Earth were actually Mars.
Mars Terraforming Plan 49 years (endurance 2078)
Han-hoon, who happened to go to a family in Mars District 38 by interplanetary shuttle
The boy, who dreams of being a pilot, secretly steals his brother's vehicle and goes to Mount Olympos.
There's a huge robot standing in the center of a dozen stone statues in a cave in a crater.