Happy BNabies, Comi and Bebe

  • Genre Animation
  • Detailed Genre Edutainment
  • Content Type 3D Animation
  • Target Age Toddlers
  • Production Stage Projects in Production
  • Quantity 5 min 52 Quantity Input


Bebe and Comi is a character animation series for new media, based on music video for infants and young children. Similar to Teletubbies, every episode is composed of warmhearted and sweet tempered story and music, designed in concept of an animated fairytale. Just as the kids perceive the pictures from the books, you will be able to witness the visualization of 2D artworks into a lively activated film.
It is a family based story in which the mother, father and the baby can enjoy altogether.
The episode story is not only about baby but also about mother, father and grandparents. In a beautiful Rainbow Island, where people and animals coexist peacefully, the baby experiences diverse incidents and stories as he grows up. Children can learn about family love, friendship and nature from the events main characters, teddy bear Comi and the baby Bebe develop.