Harp and Friends

  • Genre Animation
  • Detailed Genre Fantasy/Adventure
  • Content Type 3D Animation
  • Target Age Preschoolers
  • Production Stage Completed Programs
  • Quantity 11 min 38 Quantity Input


Our lovable hero Harp, the bab seal and his friends live in Snoflake land at the north pole! They have adventures in the sea solving mysterious incidents and events! This story is about the exciting daily lives of Harp and his friends. Not a day goes by without harp and his friends causing mischief and fun in Snowflake land.

Curious and funny Harp, venturous leader Wink, cute and naive Hope, bright and chatty Monk! "Harp and Friends" characterized the seal, and endangered animal, is ceo-friendly clean contents

There is a wide world that canbe implemented without space limitations - sea, land and sky.