• Genre Character
  • Detailed Genre Comic Action
  • Content Type Character
  • Target Age Teens
  • Production Stage IP
  • Product Type Toys


A cat walked on a way. An egg fell from the sky and hit the cat's head. The cat was in a cry of pain seizing its head. ICat recognized a feeling of an egg as a meal with tears. He brought the egg to his house for a dish. He was humming softly to make a dish with the egg. When he broke the egg on a pan, sugar chick was hatched from the egg. " Oh my god," shouted him. His kitchen became in a mess. The chick tagged after ICat. The catch yelled out, "Don't bother me, I'm not your daddy." He roughly named the chick 'Ari'. They had no choice but to live together. We dreaming of SNS duo star can do everything for 'Like!'