I Wanna Hear Your Song

  • Genre TV Show
  • Content Type TV Drama (Short)
  • Platform TV Channel
  • Target Age Teens
  • Quantity 70 min 16 Quantity Input


The only sound that will help lure an insomniac to sleep is the awful singing of someone who is a tone-deaf? Hong Yi-young has lost her memory after a car accident and suffers from insomnia, and pianist, Jang Yoon, is the one that can put Yi=young to sleep using his horrible singing ability. Through a random twist of events, he takes up a part-time evening house call job, singing his “off-tune” lullabies, which leads to a full-fledged romantic comedy-drama, I wanna Hear Your Song! Yi-young’s dangerous yet beautiful adventure to recapture her lost memories becomes a sweet, mysterious romantic comedy.