• Genre Animation
  • Detailed Genre Sitcom
  • Content Type 2D Animation
  • Target Age Teens
  • Production Stage Projects in Production
  • Quantity 12 min 26 Quantity Input


Legendary scientists and inventors, gathered in their childhood forms, 
save their mystical school by creating household items.

Something’s wrong! 
Ever since the new principal arrived, the school keeps falling apart!

Rita and Murray, students at Victoria School, make an old brick building on campus their secret base, a space they consider a treasure trove. A new club, "Makers Jam," is born when friends who resemble scientists start gathering there.

Meanwhile, the headmaster secretly sabotages the school's utilities to develop it into a luxury resort, trying to drive students away. 

Chef Murdock, the school's mysterious cooker, discovers the school’s time portal is malfunctioning and recruits students like Rita and Murray to retrieve hints from the past to restore the school’s living conditions.

With the cat and owl robots he've created, they dive into the tangled flow of time to find a student capable of saving the school and the time portal. Using the methods and hints they uncover, the Makers Jam kids work together to repair or replace the broken parts of the school.