ChiChiPingPing 3D TV Animation

  • Genre Animation
  • Detailed Genre Fantasy/Adventure
  • Content Type 3D Animation
  • Target Age Kids
  • Production Stage Completed Programs
  • Quantity 11 min 52 Quantity Input


ChiChiPingPing is an animated fantasy-adventure series based on the classic novel, “Around the World ‪in 80 Days‬”. The series involves exciting stories of Chi Chi, Ping Ping and their friends traveling around the fantasy world to win the World Adventure Tournament and unexpected events that follow along the way. 

It is an animation series with a mix of fantasy, adventure and action that helps children learn to become global leaders by encouraging creativity and imagination. By presenting a group of friends who travel to unknown places, meet diverse people and face new challenges, it is packed with a wide range of values and friendship among the characters.