Introduce Kid Kids characters

  • Genre Other


Kid Kids Wandering Band with exciting music and traveling around the world!Tooth
We finally arrived in Vietnam!

Genius singer-songwriter who loves nature and song - Tippa!
They are forest fairies that resemble Tippy, the traditional Indian tent!

Head of the Wandering Band in Malang Karis Village - Happa!
Strong and brave, but a soft leader for Danwon!

twice as curious, twice as loud as trumpets - Pani, Ghani
Twins with many similarities, but fairies with many differences!

The mood maker! Cutie bad boy - Hooni
I love playing with my friends
He's a cute prankster!

Smart Guide to the Wandering Band - Tox
I'm going to fly in the sky and guide the band members on the safe way
You're the best guide!

Small but 100% energy is the youngest - Cheeks
moving constantly without a break
They're passionate fairies!