• Genre TV Show
  • Content Type Web/Mobile Content
  • Platform Online Video Platform/MCN
  • Target Age Adults
  • Quantity 15 min 10 Quantity Input


Print media have been shrinking with the changing trends of passing time. The change has reached Ahn Jin-hee, the well-received editor of Korea’s No.1 women’s magazine, “Woman Power”. Almost two years before, Ahn has given up the title of a career-woman to start a small start-up company. Although the company is small and its success has so far not been measurably big, Ahn’s dream of carrying out business overseas is finally within her reach. The “Issue Makers” has become a hot issue before the first publication of its Vietnamese version. Set against a competitive work environment of a company where everybody works diligently like ants, carrying over to the next day, it is an office drama about friendship, romance, and aspirations of the generations in their 20s and 30s