• Genre TV Show
  • Content Type TV Drama (Short)
  • Platform TV Channel
  • Target Age Teens
  • Quantity 70 min 6 Quantity Input


Director: Lee Jun-hyung
Cast: Lee Ho-won(Infinite Hoya), Lee Na-eun(April), Shin Won-ho(Cross Gene), Han Hyun-min, Yuna, Bobby Kim
Genre: Hiphop, Music, Growth, Youth Drama
Runtime: 6eps x 60min
Release: 2019.02 (SBS)

Sensational and hip drama series targeting 10-20s young audience!

Young-baek is raised by a poor grand-mother in Daegu who is selling toast to US Army soldier at a street shop from 11 years old. One day he finds an old CD player with hiphop CDs at a second-hand store, and it changes his life completely as he starts to express himself with hiphop music. As his hiphop is recognized in Daegu, his grand-mother sends him to Seoul to his mother at the age of 18. Living with vein mother, he adapts himself to the transferred high school making friends like Song Ha-jin who is working as part timer at a convenience store near his house, and talkative but warm-hearted Suh Ki-ha. One day at a class, he has to sing hiphop and he becomes news in the school. But ...