Legends of MeoShinKe

  • Genre Animation
  • Detailed Genre Fantasy/Adventure
  • Content Type 2D Animation
  • Target Age Kids
  • Production Stage Projects in Production
  • Quantity 2 min 20 Quantity Input


MeoShín’Ké is an Asian fantasy animated series told by a 10-year-old girl, “Jimin”, from the West, “Hoon”, a boy from the East (Asia), and a mysterious cat god, “Meoshin”. Jimin comes to the birth country of her mom (Korea) after her grandmother’s passing. She encounters a cute cat at her grandmother’s backyard and adopts it. At midnight, the bracelet that Jimin got from her grandmother begins to glow and her cat turns into a fearsome god, Meoshin. As the 13th celestial animal, who couldn’t be part of the 12 zodiacs, Meoshin looks over the mysterious realm called MeoShín'Ké, the home to many mythical creatures that cause supernatural phenomenons. Hoon, a neighbor boy, is a monster geek-fan. He chases after stories and pieces of evidence of mythical creatures. Hoon often comes close to discovering the secrets of the MeoShín'Ké but always misses a piece to complete the mystery investigation.
Jimin finds herself naturally challenged by her newfound role, striving to maintain a delicate balance between her life as a young schoolgirl in a foreign world, with its distinct customs, cultures, and newfound friendships. Each 11-minute animated episode unravels the captivating tale of an ancient Asian mythical creature, featuring monsters, ghosts, and fantastical creatures from folklore. These standalone adventures seamlessly weave together to unveil a grand overarching plot, leading viewers deeper into the enigmatic realms as our protagonists investigate the causes behind the mysterious supernatural chaos that plagues their world – our world.
The world of MeoShín’Ké provides a treasure of untouched, virgin stories of the ghosts, monsters and bizarre creatures of ancient Asian mythology. However, what makes it unique is the path it takes us on: bringing their lives, backgrounds, powers, weapons and relationships to a young audience eager to discover profound new characters and stories they can lay claim to and call their own.