Mr. Madang's Story

  • Genre Cartoon
  • Content Type Publication (Magazine/Book/Newspaper)
  • Target Age All
  • Quantity 350 Quantity Input


Mr. Madang’s Table, the new graphic novel written and illustrated by Hong Yeon-sik, is the first volume published in the series with two more volumes scheduled to be published in the future. In this autobiographical story, the main character, Mr. Madang, is a husband and a father of a new born baby, and he is looking for a new home away from the city. He finally finds a house in the countryside and starts a new life with his family; however, he also has ailing parents who live in the semi-basement floor in the city. As the first son, he is obliged to take care of his sick parents while he tries hard to protect the life with his own family which he has dreamed of, and to break away from the trauma of living with his abusive father.