Music Drama CarrieAndSong

  • Genre Animation
  • Detailed Genre Entertainment
  • Content Type 3D Animation
  • Target Age Toddlers
  • Production Stage Completed Programs
  • Quantity 7 min 36 Quantity Input


Music Drama CarrieAndSong is a series of 3D animated musical video with joyful music and dance. Carrie and her friends, Ellie, Kevin, Momo, Stella, Eden, and Lucy sing and dance along, talking about different subjects and values in our daily lives such as Listen to others, Tidy up the room, Make music together, and Get over fear on the stage. All the music are newly created for this 3D animation with K-pop style unlike traditional nursery rhyme.
Music Drama CarrieAndSong consists of 36 episodes, approx. 7 minutes per episode.