No Longer the Nice Sister

  • Genre Cartoon
  • Content Type Mobile Online (Scroll View)
  • Target Age All
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The Chases - the house of two beautiful sisters, but there is only younger one, Rielle, every part of the house truly cares about. The elder one, Yiren Chase never had a choice. She is the kind, nice elder sister who always yields, gives up everything for her younger sister. However, her sacrifice never paid off.

The day Rielle also took away Yiren’s one and only desire, her fiancé from her – she has finally awake.

There is no single space that Yiren could own between Rielle and the house of Chase.

“There’s no longer the nice sister. I am going to live my life”

While Yiren was struggling to find a way to live independently, she meets Noel Cristan, who is in the similar position with Yiren. Noel needs the recognition of his grandfather and the society for being the heir of the Cristan. He needs someone to get married, in the mid of the process. Yiren, who heard about it, dare to suggest the strategic proposal to Noel.

“We might rescue each other”

Yiren Chase, who choose the strategic marriage without love to become independent of her family,

Noel Christan, who must to get married to secure his position in his family –

The young couple, made only because of the purpose of each other, could there be a happy ending?