
  • Genre Character
  • Detailed Genre Edutainment
  • Content Type Character
  • Target Age Preschoolers
  • Production Stage IP
  • Product Type Others


First, many shows aim to produce successive series of works.
As a result, projects lack diversity compared to its number of production, and leaves weariness to the viewers. 
Second, abusive, provocative contents are more being produced.
It is because those kinds of contents are much more appealing in short time. But nowadays, more and more parents are being attracted to “relatively un-abusive disney style”.
Third, genre choices are changing.
The producers who once, tried to make a “edutainment content” are now striving to make a content which “Aim to sell toys”. As a result, the broadcasting industry is showing its worries by  saying that the infant content might run short in about 1~2 years.