Only One Shot

  • Genre TV Show
  • Content Type Movies
  • Platform Other
  • Target Age Adults
  • Quantity 46 min 1 Quantity Input


Director:Jae Ik Jung
Producer: Kenta Fujii Production Designer: Shuhei Hositani
Shooting assistant: Takeshi Ishihara, assistant director: Isobe Tetsupei Art:So Sang Young
Storyboard:Kim Jung Ha Acoustics: Inazu Shoko, Fujii Kenta
Music:Kim Jae Gun, Ha Jung Wo script:Jae Ik Jung and others
Cast: Makoto Watanabe, Seiho Kinoshita, Seiichi SUDO, Kazuyoshi Shinomiya, Satoshi Shinya, Yukio Fujii, and Tatsuyuki Nakata Sound and others
[Product Overview]
Moritani, a Korean resident in Japan, has received counseling from a psychologist, Tsumura, for his past guilt of committing murder as a soldier.Tsunemura saved Moritani from attempting to kill himself, but Tsunemura also had an unforgettable memory of the murder of his only daughter.Tsunemura wants to be freed from trauma by killing the criminal in Moriya.Tsumura adds a lonely boy, Surusuke, to the members and heads the Moritani district.