Paper-Build Origami series

  • Genre Other


Paper-Build origami is the activity of combining blocks of paper to create huge, three-dimensional works. it's not difficult because it made by same shape of blocks. The work is so wonderful that it catches children's attention. The author runs YouTube and posts videos of making works. The contents of the three books are as follows.

Paper-build Battle game origami - You can make a variety of weapons. After you make it, have fun with your friends.

Paper-build (three-stage evolution) Guardian robot origami - You can create a big and cool robot, it evolves into three stages. There are two kinds of robots. It's very three-dimensional and colorful.

Paper-build Speed racing car origami - The nine racing cars are divided into three teams. You can also fold the team racing car and then combine it. Racing cars are decorated with colorful patterns and colors, so you can easily fold a nice piece of work.