Pong Pong Dino

  • Genre Animation
  • Detailed Genre Edutainment
  • Content Type 3D Animation
  • Target Age Toddlers
  • Production Stage Completed Programs
  • Quantity 7 min 52 Quantity Input


Here 5 kids living in a fantastical gigantic food world. Where veggies, fruits, breads, snacks, jellies, and chocolates appear magically in exaggerated proportion, kids find amusement and enjoyment. Swimming in enormous size of watermelon, bouncing up and down the mushroom trampoline, using juicy lemons as water guns, jump roping with stretchy cheese. Dinosaur kids instinctively explore to roll over, crawl in and taste them to just have fun. Welcome to the mysterious place of children, ‘Pongpong Dino’ where kids learn moral lessons and build up wisdoms and strength during the play.