
  • Genre Character
  • Detailed Genre Entertainment
  • Content Type Character
  • Target Age all
  • Production Stage IP
  • Product Type Others


A funny bouncy dog, Rinkinton

Feel the fun energy and enthusiasm that the way Rinkinton is pursuing for his crazy dream lands. Mobile character Rinkinton is targeting from baby to Kidult by focusing on merchandising, publishing and digital contents and games. This cute little fat clueless dog ‘Rinkinton’ loves to put on his crazy outfits to play such as Ninja Noddle, Last Warrior, Mr. Pirate, Fashion Leader and so on tot roles in play the different roles in his magical worlds and he lives upon these unique self-created fantasy lands. ‘Rinkinton’ life styles are too edgy that he can't avoid getting into troubles with ‘Pozoms’, the Potato zombie brothers. Rinkinton sprinkles happy and delightful messages to us as always and now open for all licensing possibilities.