Duble Patty

  • Genre TV Show
  • Content Type Movies
  • Platform OTT Operator
  • Target Age Teens
  • Quantity 100 min 1 Quantity Input


Lost in dreams and directionless in life, the love story of this generation.
Woo-Ram was an excellent Korean wrestler in high school and won many championships.
He thought the future was bright!! Then bad luck and tragedy struck: he was injured after going to college, and his most admired coach passed away suddenly.
Woo-Ram gave up his sporting life and came to Seoul alone and with nothing. Now he only has himself... Woo-Ram has no money, no dreams, no hopes, and no future. He feels that his whole life has gone to waste.
But his bleak, dull existence is suddenly interrupted by the warm light of a chance encounter.
He meets the vibrant Hyun-Ji, a pizza restaurant worker who has a completely different outlook on life from Woo-Ram. Hyun-Ji’s positive optimism slowly attracts Woo-Ram and gradually changes him...