Run Free, IGOO

  • Genre Character
  • Detailed Genre Fantasy/Adventure
  • Content Type Character
  • Target Age all
  • Production Stage IP
  • Product Type Others


Grains of rice 'IGOO' including Korean white rice, Japanese sushi, Italian risotto, Spanish paella, Turkish pilaf, Thai khao phat, Indonesian nasi gorang, and American jambalaya escape from bowls around the world. They run and run some more to avoid being caught by people and put back into their bowls.

Korean IGOO, which has never thought about escaping before, decides to get away from the boring routine and fight against the social prejudice against IGOOs. This idea is communicated to the IGOOs in other countries.

IGOOs that come out of the bowls go into emoticons, into mobile games, into social media, into media, into human life to fight against social discrimination and prejudice.