• Genre CT
  • Detailed Genre Other


Has the largest safety VR content in Korea
- 8 types of VR accident experience at construction site
- 5 types of VR Cinematic accident experience at construction site
- 10 types of VR risk assessment at construction sites
- 7 types of VR accident experience at power plants
- 4 types of shipyard VR accident experience
- 5 types of shipyard VR risk assessment
- 5 types of VR accident experience at tunnel construction site
- 5 types of chemical VR accident response
- 5 types of VR accident experience for life safety

■Custom Hardware Packages
- PC-type VR hardware package (PC-type HMD, VR Ready PC)
- motion simulator package (3-axis motion simulator, PC-type HMD, VR Ready PC)
- Mobile VR Hardware Package (Oculus Quest2, Kiosk)
- Mobile VR integrated training package (Oculus Quest2, VR Carrier, wireless network system, operational solution)

■PC/Mobile VR Compatible
-Compatible with PC-type HMD (Oculus, Vive, Window MR, etc.) and mobile HMD (Oculus Quest2, etc.)

■Motion Simulator Interworking
- Motion base type feel simulator that works closely with contents by operating 3-axis server motor actuator (patent of M-line studio)

■Provide operational solutions
- A virtual reality operation solution that can control up to 30 HMDs per tablet (patented by Mline Studio)

■Integrated Training Package (VR Carrier)
- Mobile VR aggregated training package with its own network system, operational solutions, and high capacity batteries (Patented by Mline Studio)