Slow Slow Sloth Neul

  • Genre Animation
  • Detailed Genre Comedy
  • Content Type 3D Animation
  • Target Age Preschoolers
  • Production Stage Projects in Production
  • Quantity 7 min 78 Quantity Input


The Amazon has suffered an environmental change because of the development of civilization. That’s why our friends Neul, Arl and Gil moved to a shabby house on loop in the city. Arl is a hot-tempered and a tough guy. He’s always looking for a part-time job and works very hard. Gil knows his special ability. So he gets a job in a vermin extermination company and works so hard while sloth Neul can’t find a job, because he is always sleepy and slow. But whenever his friends come home with stress from work, Neul relieves them with a special slow comfort and healing delicacy. He brings laughter and consolation to those who live the busy, cruel, stressing everyday life.