Suicide club

  • Genre Cartoon
  • Content Type Publication (Magazine/Book/Newspaper)
  • Target Age Adult
  • Quantity 300 Quantity Input


The story I created, "Suicide Club," is an adaptation of the experiences I heard from suicide ideators and survivors during my two-and-a-half-year hospitalization following two suicide attempts. I had stopped drawing comics due to the challenges of weekly serializations and depression during my time as a webtoon artist. The inspiration for this story came from the absence of a community where they could share their pain regarding suicide, mental illness, or death in South Korean society. They felt deeply wounded by the way they were ostracized and treated as strange individuals.

Through this narrative, I aim to explore why they felt they had no choice but to consider death, what kind of pain they experienced, and to provide empathy and comfort as I witness their journey. Ultimately, I hope that through this comic, society can face the pain rather than hide it, and that the word "suicide" isn't shunned or avoided but embraced, fostering mutual understanding and acceptance.