Super Toy

  • Genre Animation
  • Detailed Genre Comic Action
  • Content Type 3D Animation
  • Target Age Kids
  • Production Stage IP
  • Quantity 11 min 26 Quantity Input


In a galaxy far, far away, there is a planet of toy named ‘Pra-pra’ A mad scientist Dr. Pratine stole the ‘Super-stone’ which is a powerful energy source on the planet and ran away to the Earth. Dr. Pratine tries to conquer the whole universe by arousing a gigantic toy hidden in Earth. Kaboom, Zingo and Baebae, the three siblings of the kingdom in ‘Prapra’, chased after Dr. Pratine and arrived on Earth. Kaboom, Zingo and Baebae were excited to acquire a ‘Super-toy’ title, which is given to a legendary hero imagining that they would successfully capture Dr. Pratine and bring the ‘Super-stone’ back to their home planet. However, things go wrong when they find out that in the Earth, there are humans who are way bigger than them.
How would Kaboom, Zingo and Baebae stop Dr. Pratine and save their planet?