Tasso Safari

  • Genre Game
  • Content Type Other
  • Client Volume Less than 100MB
  • Art 2D
  • Service Step
  • Target Age All


Tasso went on safari! ‘Sticking’ to Tasso’s genius stacking and ‘distance-measuring’ mechanism, the game has gotten a more dynamic design.

By succeeding in putting 1 stick on top of 2 sticks in a turn, players can use 1 more of their sticks. There’s 1 restriction however, that nobody can place pieces upon the sticks which are already supporting another stick.

Meet the sticks of various length such as giraffes, elephants, lions, zebras. Obstacles of Kilimanjaro and Lake Victoria will make the game more beautiful. Can I take my animal sticks to the next level? Welcome to the cuter, more strategic world of stacking.