
  • Genre Game
  • Content Type Action/Adventure
  • Client Volume 100MB-499MB
  • Art 2D
  • Service Step In Production
  • Target Age Adults


[No more future left for mankind. Now the rabbit shall rule the world.]

In 3023, war, environmental pollution, and plague spreaded to the surface of the Earth.
Humans then began the development of an inexpensive and eco-friendly personal transportation system "Teleporter" while reducing contact between contaminated land and atmosphere.
Teleporter's mechanism of opening spaces to travel to the destination in a blink was convenient, but was considered problematic when the destination is not empty, the space crevice made from the teleportation would not be safe and the user's life would be in danger.
To solve this issue, the safety verification test experimenting on actual live animals titled as the "Foreign Substance Test" was secretly held in an underground laboratory called Kytheria. One day, a high-performance CPU was stuck in a rabbit's head as an accident of a Teleporter's error.
Now highly intelligent, the rabbit decided to take revenge on the humans who tormented him by using the ultimate weapon, the teleporter.
People named this terrifying rabbit who wields the Teleporter freely on his will, "Telebbit".

- A fast-paced platformer game using teleporters.
- Easy rules, challenging difficulty.
- Explore the eight subterranean worlds represented by attractive pixel art.