The Great Merchant

  • Genre Game
  • Content Type RPG
  • Client Volume 500MB-1GB
  • Art 2D
  • Service Step
  • Target Age All


The Great Merchant has been on the p2p service for 14 years since April 2002 in Korea.
It has a total membership of 1.45 million, max concurrent 20,000, and 12 servers.
The Great Mercahnt are set in Asia in the 15th century, and all five countries are played in Joseon, Japan, China, Taiwan, and India.
You can trade between five countries or each country's unique mercenaries are hired to enjoy adventures.
There are 180 kinds of mercenaries in total. The game added economy to MMORPG, which was used as a college textbook in 2003.
The genre of the Great Merchant is a combination of MMORPG and Real Time simulation
It has PVP, siege mode and a variety of contents.
The Great Merchant is really light. So old computer like pantium3 can smoothy play game.