The Praise of Four Seasons - NAMUL

  • Genre TV Show
  • Content Type Documentary
  • Platform TV Channel
  • Target Age Adults
  • Quantity 50 min 1 Quantity Input


“Namul – A dish embracing four seasons.”
Here is the story of a simple but fascinating world of NAMUL – a Korean seasoned vegetable dish. It contains the wonder of life and represents the philosophy of Korean food about coexistence between humans and nature.
Excessive meat-eating and junk foods causing chronic illnesses, environmental pollution, careless eating habits - We would like to introduce ‘Namul’ (Korean: 나물) as a solution to these problems.
Namul saved the people’s lives suffering from the history of a long war, exploitation and food shortage in the past. It has now emerged globally as one of the alternative ways for sustainable food and healthy eating culture. This documentary also proposes a visual delight of Korean cuisine and beautiful scenery throughout four seasons, especially in 8K.