todus tavel sandals

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Todus sandals can go with any situation. You can wear them anywhere anytime.
They are made of light material, and also they wrap up your feet in a very comfortable way.
With todus sandals, you can walk as much as you want.
You’ll have a pair of soles and two pairs of diffrent straps.
The sandals can be worn in two diffrent ways with ivory or black straps.
It’s like a buy one, get one free !
Because they can be separated into soles and straps.
You can easily carry them in your pockets.
Also, you can stuff them in a tiny corner of your bag when you don’t need them.
You can simply tighten up straps to make a perfect fit for any foot shapes.
You can also add some accessaries and extra straps to create custom and unique shoes on your own.