Tunemade, Help you to play piano with gusto

  • Genre Startup


1. Online Tutor EasyPiano

Wish to Play Piano with Gusto?
Just invest 30 minutes per day for a month.

Piano is an instrument with high demand all around the world, it is also one with many deserters. 85 percent of learners give up on their first year. A year spent and no progress. How do we solve this?

Use EasyPiano, online piano tutor service.
We help you to play the piano easily and in a short time, systematically teaching what you’ve been doing wrong until now.
30 minutes per day for a week will make a difference. A month later, you will be able to play your favorite song in front of others!

2. Interactive Music Studio

Have a Song You Want to Make?
You can! Anyone can easily on our service.

If you use our revolutionary web platform of music production and chat-bot service, you can learn music very easily and be able to produce your favorite songs in just a few minutes.

Now you can play piano then mix orchestral sound with it. Let's show off your own music video to SNS!